Sunday, April 19, 2009

Some thoughts on sound….

Listening to the sound of communication is like putting our finger on the pulse of culture. Language is the invisible thread that weaves ideas together; bonding one being with another as a new dimension of reality is created in real time. I’ve realized as I’ve observed and contemplated the art of communication that the words one chooses to relay their thoughts is important, not because of the definition of the words, but more because word selection comes from an energetic urge to communicate and create something. Sound is the vibration, a form of energetic expression that flows into being every time we speak or create music, etc. It literally creates this higher dimension of expression, creation, and potentially shared values.

As I reawaken my sense of hearing I am discovering that the key to truly hearing is about placement of attention. Attention is guided by intention. If I intend to hear what is being said I will find more subtlety and more depth than when my intention is to just listen to what the person has to say. The distinction between hearing and listening is more than a matter of semantics; it describes the discernment between sensing what is deep and what is superficial. Hearing the sound of communication is different than listening to the words that one is speaking. I'm finding the importance in really digging in and unpacking details like this because I think all too often us post-moderns are prone to settle on sloppy thinking, accepting whatever is out of laziness or our strong adherence to "non-judgment." There is no doubt in my mind that energy medicine is the medicine of the future, but whether that future reflects our highest potential or not entirely depends upon the depth that practitioners are willing to take it, embody it, be it.

1 comment:

  1. Amber- Your thoughts are very deep and validated. You bring up points that most people would overlook and do not see in a lifetime. I believe that getting in touch with our senses, is truly getting in touch with our inner self or spirit. The senses are a compilation of our spirit expressing itself into something we can comprehend, ie(hearing, touch, taste, etc). The more in line we become with our spirit or energy, the more we can do virtually anything. We are so physical and look for evidences of being alive, when if we looked within and studied and sought after learning from our senses, we could control the external forces much more effectively. I believe that it is not the focus of external factors that makes a person great, but the internal factors that once mastered can control the external factors. I would be very interested in you guest blogging for us. Your site and your life is a side of health that we have not spent much time with. Additionally I have never even had acupuncture. Not because I am afraid, but I do not know of the benefits. I think a post about chinese medicine and energy could help accelerate your cause. We share a common cause in that we desire others to feel the benefits of health. Let me know if you would be interested in a guest post. Thanks for the comment and I hope all is well for you.
